Order Cancellation Policy

We understand that circumstances may change, and sometimes you may need to cancel an order. Our commitment is to provide a seamless and efficient shopping experience. To ensure clarity and transparency, please take note of our order cancellation policy.

Cancellation Timeframe: You have the flexibility to cancel your order within the same day before 5 PM. We process our orders promptly, and any cancellations after this time will not possible.
Once the product has been dispatched, our 'Return / Exchange Policy' will come into effect.

How to Cancel: To request a cancellation, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible.
Please have your order details ready, including the order number and the items you wish to cancel.

To send WhatsApp Message -> Click here
Call us: 03162730099
Email: Email: info@kap-apparel.com

Confirmation: Once your cancellation request is received, we will confirm the cancellation. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us.


KAP Apparel may cancel your order for any reason, our commitment to transparency and fairness ensures that cancellations are only made under some circumstances, such as:

Out of Stock: Sometimes, popular items may run out of stock faster than we anticipate. In such cases, we'll regrettably have to cancel your order.

Pricing Error: To maintain our pricing integrity, we may cancel orders if a pricing error is detected. Rest assured, we'll always honor the correct price and offer you the chance to reorder.

Fake Orders: For the security of our customers, we may cancel orders where order confirmation call or message verification is unsuccessful, but this only applies to Cash on Delivery orders. We take this measure to protect against fraudulent activities.

Refund / Exchange Policy